Advocating for the Australian irrigated agriculture industry

Advocating for the Australian irrigated agriculture industry
The National Irrigators’ Council (NIC) is the national peak body representing irrigators in Australia, supporting Member organisations covering five states including the Murray Darling Basin , as well as irrigation regions and the major agricultural commodity groups around Australia.
NIC was created in 2008 provide a unified voice for irrigators in Australia amidst increasing government involvement in water policy.
NIC is a not-for-profit Membership organisation but is a non-federated body, meaning no Member or state, has any greater say in policy than
The organisation is governed by a Board of Directors with a mix of state representation and skills-based experience who work with the Chief
Executive Officer. The Chief Executive Officer handles the day to day operations of the business, engagement with Members,
Partners and Sponsors and policy development, they are the spokesperson and key contact within the organisation.
With a presence in Canberra, the NIC has direct access to decision makers at a political level. The voice of irrigators across Australia is heard directly at the point of decision on policy.
For more information on the organisaton and how to join, visit our page Our Community.
NIC exists to safeguard water rights and ensure water reliability for agricultural and horticultural purposes, recognizing the vital role of irrigated agriculture in producing essential food and commodities.
We play a crucial role in supporting Australian irrigators who contribute significantly to the nation's economy and international trade through:
Visit our page, Achievements or Policy to find out more.
Food means standing up for those who fed our nation and the world.
Fibre is to fight for those who grow and produce our everyday textiles for a busy world on the go.
Future is to provide leadership in sustainable practices for the next generation of farmers and community leaders.
Be the trusted national voice on water property rights and the irrigation industry.
Deliver value by providing information and analysis on current and emerging national water issues.
Advocate for sustainable water policy and practices in line with our principles and values.
Lead by example with effective collaboration with Members, partners and stakeholders.
Be a sustainable and well governed organisation, fit for the future
Zara was interim CEO of NIC in mid-2023, leading NIC through the negotiations and input into the Australian’s Government’ Water Amendment (Restoring our Rivers) Bill 2023 and was appointed CEO in early 2024.
Zara was previously the Executive Officer and Secretary of the Gwydir Valley Irrigators Association for 13 years when she managed
water policy issues, identifying risks and strategy with the committee and is responsible for implementing these actions. Zara also
supported the project, research, and extension aspects of the GVIA as EO.
Prior to GVIA, Zara worked in Natural Resource Management for the NSW Government and consulting. Zara is a graduate of the Peter Cullen
Trust program and a through support by NIC a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Zara graduated with Hons. in Land and Water Science from the University of Sydney. Zara lives in North-West NSW where her husband’s family are broadacre farmers.
Christine is a water resource management professional, with diverse experience working in environmental, agricultural and cultural aspects
of water policy - in public and private sector roles. Christine is also Managing Director of Rivière Consulting Pty Ltd
Christine has a Masters of Environmental Law focused on water management in the Murray-Darling Basin and multijurisdictional river basins
globally, and a Bachelor of Political, Economic and Social Sciences with a focus in International Development Studies and Economic
Christine grew up in regional NSW, including in the southern NSW Murray-Darling Basin, as well as northern NSW, and is passionate about
finding sustainable and productive water policy solutions.
Lou Mathieson provides essential administrative support for the National Irrigators Council. As the Founder and Director of The Administration Agency, Lou brings a wealth of experience from both the private and public sectors.
Since founding her agency in 2019, she has built it into an award-winning, full-service administration firm that delivers outstanding results for its clients.
Beyond her professional achievements, Lou is deeply committed to her community. She is an active Board member of the Dubbo Business Chamber and frequently participates in industry panels and local events. Lou is particularly passionate about supporting women in business, and her advocacy in this area is a hallmark of her public engagements.
Jenny is the Policy and Communication Manager with Coleambally Irrigation Co-operative Limited a member owned gravity irrigation supply scheme in the Murrumbidgee Valley. Jenny also owns and operates with her family an irrigated cropping farm in the NSW Murray.
Jenny has extensive experience in water policy and government relations. Jenny has a tertiary qualification in Agricultural Science and Communications and is a Graduate of the Institute of Company Directors.
Michael is the Executive Officer for Macquarie River Food and Fibre, managing water policy and water user issues within the Macquarie Valley in Central West New South Wales.
John is the Executive Officer for Border Rivers Food and Fibre, managing water policy issues for Queensland and NSW entitlement holders along the Macintyre River and surrounding catchments.
John was previously the CEO of Vegetables WA for 7-years. Vegetables WA is the peak advocacy group for vegetable growers in Western Australia.
Phil, along with his wife Lynda have been operating a mixed irrigated and dryland farm near Tocumwal since 1990. Phil was elected to the NIC Board in October 2021, and he brings a wealth of knowledge to NIC from his time serving on the boards of Murray Irrigation and Southern Growers. Phil has been recognised by the Berrigan Shire for both on-farm environmental works in 2006 and the Business Person/Entrepreneur of the Year in 2009. He also received the National Farmers Federation Innovation in Agriculture Award for New Technology in 2010.
Ben Fessey was elected to the board in 2024. Ben is the General Manager of Trading & Key Accounts for Olam International, one of the world's largest growers of almonds, and actively manages their water portfolio across several river systems. Ben has extensive experience in agricultural supply chains, commodity trading, water markets, risk management and logistics.
Ben holds an MBA from the University of New South Wales (AGSM) and a Bachelor of Agricultural Economics from the University of Sydney.
Jenna owns an irrigation property with her husband and three children near Leeton, NSW, where they grow cotton, popcorn and winter cereals.
She holds a Bachelor of Nursing and has completed the FAICD Directors Course.
Jenna is currently the Chief Executive Officer for Murrumbidgee Private Irrigators and Murrumbidgee Groundwater.
Jenna is also the co-owner of Bidgee Automation Pty Ltd. She has expertise in agricultural data, technology, farm budgeting, and policy development, with a strong commitment to sustainable agriculture and economic profitability.
The organisation recently underwent a Strategic Business Review to future proof the organisation. The organisations Strategic Plan,
and review processes were updated as a result and includes business as usual targets as well as annual priorities.
From 1 July 2024, the organisation implemented a new, modernised and future proofed constitution. This resulted in a streamlining of Membership Categories and clarity of rights and purpose.
Find out more about our community, and join our mission advocating for the Australian irrigated
agriculture industry.