Advocating for the Australian irrigated agriculture industry

How we determine Public Policy

National Irrigators’ Council (NIC) policy is determined by Members and underpinned by our Policy Principles and our Mission and Values within our Strategic Plan.

Our public policy work covers five main portfolios of work:

  1. Water Law and Planning
  2. The Murray Darling Basin Plan
  3. Climate Risks and Opportunities
  4. Environmental Stewardship and Industry Sustainability
  5. Aboriginal Water

Policy Position Statements can be established for specific issues when it is determined a more specific and detailed position is required on an issue. Members can determine that specific issues may require a unique Policy Position.  Position Statements are clear, concise formal position on Public Policy Positions. Members and staff determine what issues require Position Statements and these are developed through discussion and deliberation of Members, who vote during General Meetings or Special General Meetings throughout the year. 

The Member determined Policy Principles and Position Statement form the basis of our advocacy work and participating in inquiries and consultation processes. Members help design and craft these documents throughout the year as needed. 

Our Policy Principles

Enhance and protect water property rights without altering the characteristics.

Utilise market mechanisms to ensure no negative third-party impacts on water reliability or availability; compensate or mitigate any impacts by negotiation with affected parties.

Governments must effectively engage industry in policy development and implementation.

Fair and equitable policy must share risks and opportunities among all stakeholders not just water users, ensuring a balance.

Policy Portfolios and Position Statements

Our public policy work falls into five main categories, to find our more about positions specific to these portfolios and background information you can visit the portfolio page. NOTE - all positions are currently under audit and review, to prepare new formats and may not be available. 

Water Law and Planning

Policy Positions under review

Murray Darling Basin Plan

Policy Positions under review

Climate Risks and Opportunities

Policy Positions under review

Aboriginal Water

Policy Positions under review

Federal Election Platform

As a National body, our work is focussed on national water policy. National Irrigators' Council prepares Federal Election platform documents for engagement with all Parties and Independents, prior to and during a Federal Election Campaign. 

Our Federal Election platforms cut across all of our Policy Portfolios.

A Federal Election is due to be called by May 2025 to allow for enough time for an election of the House of Representatives and the Senate (with half the Senate Members positions due to expire on 30 June 2024). 

Members have been working on the 2025 Federal Election and it will be due for release shortly.

Click here to see our Federal Election Platform Click here to see our Federal Election Platform

Recent Submissions

NIC submission on Water Markets Intermediaries Code and Statutory Trust Accounts Policy Position Paper

NIC today lodged their submission to DCCEEW on the Water Market reform - Intermediaries Code and Statutory Trust Account Policy Position paper with an overarching concern that the regulatory burden of this reform, particularly given its scale and pace. We are also concerned that the reform is going too far, and is becoming disproportionate to the problem at hand, and the size and extent of water markets. While market integrity, transparency and good governance are important – there is enormous risk of not striking the right balance for a proportionate policy response […]

IGWC Northern Toolkit Inquiry

Check out our final submission into the Inspector General of Water Compliance Inquiry into the Northern Basin Toolkit. 

The Toolkit was a multi-pronged solution developed through the Northern Basin Review to recommit government to existing requirements (Bridging the Gap requirements), fund a series of investments over-and-above the Murray Darling Basin Plan assumptions and existing levers of just adding water, enhance environmental outcomes and minimise socio-economic impacts.  The Toolkit was the Government's initial investment into complementary measures. 

As with many of the Murray Darling Basin Plan elements, it has lacked transparency and accountability, which should be improved in future program development.  The Toolkit highlights a number of great outcomes when investment is provided to optimising environmental water delivery and environmental outcomes. 

Water Markets Regulation Final Submission

Take a look at our final submission on both the: 

Overall, NIC is increasingly concerned by the regulatory burden of this reform, and that it's going too far - disproportionate to the problem at hand, and the size and extent of water markets.

We are developing a strategic plan for how we approach this ongoing issue, which has a number of steps still to be implemented - stay tuned. 

Click here to see a full list of our Submissions Click here to see a full list of our Submissions

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