Advocating for the Australian irrigated agriculture industry
Advocating for the Australian irrigated agriculture industry
Pathways to join our community are based on differing needs of organisations and businesses who are associated with irrigation agriculture and horticulture around Australia.
Key benefits include:
The NIC has provided more opportunities and flexibility within the constitution to adapt as the needs and demands on industry and irrigation businesses evolve.
There are three key pathways for being involved in our community of interest and bring your organisation's or businesses voice of national
irrigation industry or assist us to amplify our own.
Members represent a diversity of organisations that represent water entitlement holders, to food and
fibre industries and agribusiness, and irrigation infrastructure operators.
Partners are State and National (and Basin) organisations with whom NIC acknowledges that engagement and
collaboration can provide beneficial outcomes in pursuit of our common objectives.
Sponsors are National or Basin Scale Australian organisations or businesses that value the work of NIC to safeguard water rights and reliability to support the commercial use of water for irrigated agriculture and horticulture in Australia.n irrigated agriculture products or sales
There are three key pathways for being involved in our community.
Our community must not always agree but share in our values and our objects. We strive for mutual benefits from everyone who decides to join our community.
All applications to join our community are considered and decided upon by the Board according to either the criteria in our Constitution for Members, and Board decision-making processes for Partners and Sponsors.
Applications are available making an inquiry depending on what best suits your needs and then, completing the application form which is approved by the Board.
For more information, click the links above of visit our Membership, Partnership or Sponsorship page.