National Irrigators Council Comes To Launceston
The peak lobby group for Australia’s Irrigators, the National Irrigators Council (NIC) will be holding its national council meeting in Launceston on Monday 20 and Tuesday 21 February.
NIC CEO, Steve Whan, said “our members will be in Launceston discussing some of the key national issues affecting irrigators.
“Launceston has been chosen because it is also an opportunity for our members from Queensland, NSW and South Australia to find out more about the developments in irrigation in Tasmania.
“To do that we will be doing two field trips to the Northern Midlands and Cressy Irrigation areas and Hagley.
“We are also looking forward to a panel discussion with NIC Chair Gavin McMahon, Holger Meinke – Tas Institute of Agriculture; Peter Skillern and Nick Steel – Tas Farmers and Graziers Association; Luke Curtain – Tasmanian Irrigation; and Greg Carson – Tas Hydro.”
NIC Board Member representing Border Rivers in NSW/Qld but local Launceston resident,Tim Napier, said “I’m looking forward to having National Irrigators’ Council members in Launceston to learn more about Tasmania’s clean, green production and insights into renewable energy.
“It will be particularly interesting for our members because when it comes to irrigation Tasmania is one part of the country that is moving ahead with new irrigation developments.”
Steve Whan said “Tasmanian irrigation is growing and developing rapidly, we are certainly looking forward to learning more about innovations occurring and challenges – and perhaps there might be issues in common that we can talk about.”
Media Contact : Steve Whan 0429 780 883
Friday 17 February 2017