Advocating for the Australian irrigated agriculture industries.

Christmas lunch would be a bit of a sad affair without the work of Australia’s irrigators says National Irrigators Council (NIC) CEO, Steve Whan. “Like many people I look forward to this time of year, to fresh summer fruit, crispy fresh vegies and those delicious Christmas extras the fruit mince pies, ice cream, custard and […]

Threats to walk away from the Basin Plan sensibly didn’t come to pass and there was progress down the path of addressing key recommendations from the Productivity Commission, perhaps better outcomes than might have been expected – says National Irrigators Council (NIC) CEO, Steve Whan. Steve Whan said “the one thing that is abundantly clear […]

Murray Darling Basin water Ministers face a crucial test when they meet in Brisbane on Tue 17 December says the National Irrigators’ Council (NIC). NIC CEO, Steve Whan says “the meeting will be a real test for Ministers, they can either choose parochialism and short-term electoral gain, or they can commit to work together to […]

The National Irrigators Council (NIC) says that while it understands the hardship driving the anger of irrigators protesting in Canberra this week, its members feel that the problems would be made worse by ditching, rather than fixing, the Basin Plan. NIC represents irrigators across the Basin states, members want to see problems addressed, but do […]

The National Irrigators’ Council (NIC) today welcomed the Federal Government’s step up in drought support measures with the once-off provision of 100 gigalitres (GL) of water in the southern connected Murray-Darling Basin. NIC Chairman, Gavin McMahon said “The announcement by the Government of 100GL as part of its drought relief package will be warmly welcomed […]

The National Irrigators’ Council (NIC) welcomes the NSW and Victorian Government independent expert panel on Basin river flows, saying it is important to focus on achieving real environmental outcomes not just ticking off flow targets.  CEO, Steve Whan, said “Victoria and NSW have started a process which should involve all Basin Governments and one, importantly, […]

Irrigation infrastructure is designed to help Australia keep growing food and fibre in a variable climate and, Australian Bureau of Statistics (gross value of irrigated production) figures for 2017-18 show, that is exactly the job it was doing . ABS figures for 2017-18 show the proportion of Australia’s fruit and nuts (by value) produced by […]

The National Irrigators’ Council (NIC) has welcomed the announcement of the terms of reference for an ACCC inquiry into the water market. CEO Steve Whan said “NIC has been highlighting concerns and advocating an inquiry into the water market for some time.  We are pleased to see the announcement by the Treasurer and Water Minister […]

NIC CEO, Steve Whan, says “Irrigators make absolutely no apology for wanting to ensure country towns and our farmers have a future.  “That’s why when Government decides it is going to acquire water for the environment, we will always actively work to try to ensure that water is acquired through water saving rather than buyback. […]

The National Irrigators Council (NIC) says it looks forward to working with a new Shadow Minister for Water as Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese announces his Shadow Ministry. CEO Steve Whan said “after a very long engagement with the Murray Darling Basin Plan, former Minister and Shadow Minister, Tony Burke, has moved on to a new […]

An MDBA and Deloitte report on water trade price reporting in the Murray Darling confirms concerns that the National Irrigators’ Council (NIC) has been expressing for some time about lack of transparency, confusion and inconsistency in State water trading registers. NIC CEO, Steve Whan says “this report shows that the water market has run way […]

The National Irrigators’ Council (NIC) has congratulated the newly appointed Morrison / McCormack Government Ministers saying it looks forward to working with them as they tackle difficult tasks. CEO, Steve Whan says “key Ministerial appointments for the irrigation sector include the welcome re-appointment of David Littleproud as Minister for Water, and with new roles on […]

News & Media from Member Organisations

Irrigation Australia Media Release: Murray system reaches full allocation before spring making river operators and landholders ‘

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Member Drop - in - National Water Agreement


Member Drop in - Basin Plan Insights and Northern Toolkit


Member Drop In - Water Markets


Regional Wrap discussion with NIC CEO, Zara Lowien

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Member Networking Dinner

Member Networking Dinner

NIC Member Networking Dinner

Sydney, NSW

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NIC General Meeting

NIC General Meeting

National Irrigators' Council March General Meeting

Sydney, NSW

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Upcoming Events by Members and Partners 

Bayer Australian Cotton Grower of the Year Field day

Bayer Australian Cotton Grower of the Year Field day

Bayer and Dirranbandi Cotton Growers invite you to the Australian Cotton Grower of the Year Field Day at Clyde in Dirranbandi, Western Queensland.

Clyde, Dirranbandi, QLD

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