Advocating for the Australian irrigated agriculture industries.

The National Irrigators’ Council today welcomed a return of common sense and common decency with the disallowance of two sneaky critically endangered listings. NIC CEO, Tom Chesson said the decision to list as ‘critically endangered’ the ‘River Murray and associated wetlands, floodplains and groundwater systems, from the junction of the Darling River to the sea’ […]

Many farmers are dreading a visit to the mail box with out of control electricity bills soon due to land on kitchen tables around the country. The CEO of the National Irrigators’ Council, Tom Chesson said one of the biggest issues facing NIC Members was escalating electricity prices.” “We need cheaper electricity. We need it […]

The National Irrigators’ Council said it was disappointed that after six years and millions of dollars the MDBA was only able to produce a ‘work in progress’ as its draft Constraints Management Strategy (CMS). NIC CEO, Tom Chesson said the draft document released today was grossly inadequate especially given it was meant to provide guidance […]

Many farmers are dreading a visit to the mail box with out of control electricity bills now due to land on kitchen tables around the country. The CEO of the National Irrigators’ Council, Tom Chesson said one of the biggest issues facing NIC Members this election was escalating electricity prices.” “We need cheaper electricity. We […]

The National Irrigators’ Council said it was extremely disappointed about the lack of consultation surrounding the Government’s decision to burden communities in the Basin with more green tape. NIC CEO, Tom Chesson said the decision to list as ‘critically endangered’ the ‘River Murray and associated wetlands, floodplains and groundwater systems, from the junction of the […]

News & Media from Member Organisations

Irrigation Australia Media Release: Murray system reaches full allocation before spring making river operators and landholders ‘

Previous Events


Member Drop in - Basin Plan Insights and Northern Toolkit


Member Drop In - Water Markets


Regional Wrap discussion with NIC CEO, Zara Lowien


Member Drop In

Upcoming Member Events 

Member Networking Dinner

Member Networking Dinner

NIC Member Networking Dinner

Sydney, NSW

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NIC General Meeting

NIC General Meeting

National Irrigators' Council March General Meeting

Sydney, NSW

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Upcoming Events by Members and Partners 

Bayer Australian Cotton Grower of the Year Field day

Bayer Australian Cotton Grower of the Year Field day

Bayer and Dirranbandi Cotton Growers invite you to the Australian Cotton Grower of the Year Field Day at Clyde in Dirranbandi, Western Queensland.

Clyde, Dirranbandi, QLD

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