10 missing pieces the MDBA must address

he National Irrigators’ Council has outlined the first 10 issues it believes the Murray Darling Basin Authority must urgently address with its Guide to the Proposed Basin Plan. NIC CEO Danny O’Brien said while proposed cuts to water for productive use...

Deliberate policy to depopulate inland Australia

Drastic new limits on the amount of water that can be used for food and fibre production in the Murray Darling Basin will be an unmitigated disaster for all Australians and must be rejected by the Federal Government and Water Minister Tony Burke. The National...

Basin Plan “range” just prolongs the uncertainty

Reports that the Murray Darling Basin Authority will release only an upper and lower “range” that new Sustainable Diversion Limits (SDLs) may fit into will prolong the uncertainty surrounding the new Basin Plan, according to the National Irrigators’...

Basin Plan must be balanced – for everyone’s sake

The proposed Murray Darling Basin Plan to be released this week will fail the nation if it doesn’t adequately balance the needs of the environment, food and fibre production and regional communities. The National Irrigators’ Council is concerned that the...