Selfish parochialism won’t solve problems

Does anyone really think Government should tell farmers what they can grow, or ‘ban’ exports? Steve Whan, CEO of the National Irrigators’ Council says the Centre Alliance’s ridiculous suggestion of banning cotton export is more in keeping with a soviet style command...

Royal Commission hamstrung by one sided evidence

“Royal Commissions have no magical powers, they are only as good as the information that goes in and the assumptions they make”, says Steve Whan, CEO of the National Irrigators Council, talking about today’s release of the South Australian Basin Plan Royal Commission....

Zero water allocations confirm drought impact on irrigators

Latest updates from NSW and Victorian water authorities confirm the dire impact of drought on irrigators in more than a dozen rivers across the Murray Darling Basin.  In NSW General Security water licence holders on the Murray, Lower Darling, Lachlan, Belubula,...

Productivity Commission Review a Basis for Action

The National Irrigators Council has welcomed the release of the final Productivity Commission Report into the first five years of implementation of the Basin Plan, saying it should be the basis for action. NIC CEO Steve Whan said “this is a tough and comprehensive...

Knee Jerk Responses No Solution for Drought Impacts

Farmers, rural communities and the environment all suffer in a drought crisis but none will be helped by knee jerk changes to the Basin Plan, says National Irrigators’ Council CEO, Steve Whan. “Unfortunately virtually every day this drought continues, we are seeing...

Basin Ministers must agree genuine community test

The need to agree a genuine test of socio-economic neutrality for efficiency programs is one of the big challenges of this Friday’s Murray Darling Basin Ministers’ meeting (in Melbourne), says Steve Whan, CEO of the National Irrigators’ Council (NIC). Steve Whan said...