Irrigators’ Council welcomes Vertessy report and Govt response

The National Irrigators’ Council has welcomed the final report of the Independent Assessment of fish deaths on the Darling River (the Vertessy Report) and the Government response. CEO of the National Irrigators’ Council, Steve Whan, says “this is a report that is...

Irrigators’ National body says to NSW – don’t pull out of plan

The National Irrigators’ Council (NIC) says its members do not support, and NIC does not advocate, the New South Wales government pulling out of the Murray Darling Basin Plan. CEO Steve Whan said “NIC has 34 member bodies across Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria...

Patrick’s hypocrisy knows no bounds

The hypocrisy of South Australian Senator Rex Patrick is on full view again, as he rails against spending more to protect jobs in Murray Darling Basin communities, while at the same time being a vocal advocate of hundreds of billions in taxpayer’s money being spent to...

Scientific panel provides practical way forward

Allowing native fish the opportunity to move up and down a river system so they can breed might seem obvious, but it’s an obvious solution that too often, of late, has been forgotten in the rush to allocate blame.That’s why, says Steve Whan, CEO of the National...

“Expert Committee” fails on balance

National Irrigators’ Council CEO, Steve Whan, says the Australian Academy of Science’s expert committee (requested by Labor) failed to provide balance in its hasty review of Basin Plan implementation issues.Steve Whan said “it is unrealistic to think that well...

Loss of bipartisanship a concern for Basin Plan communities and environment

With only months to go until a Federal election the apparent slip in the bi-partisan support for the Basin Plan should cause concern to anyone interested in achieving this ambitious environmental reform.CEO of the National Irrigators’ Council, Steve Whan, says “the...