Better than expected? Basin Water Ministers

Threats to walk away from the Basin Plan sensibly didn’t come to pass and there was progress down the path of addressing key recommendations from the Productivity Commission, perhaps better outcomes than might have been expected – says National Irrigators Council...

Irrigators tell Basin Ministers to deliver not quiver

Murray Darling Basin water Ministers face a crucial test when they meet in Brisbane on Tue 17 December says the National Irrigators’ Council (NIC). NIC CEO, Steve Whan says “the meeting will be a real test for Ministers, they can either choose parochialism and...

Irrigators Council says, fix don’t ditch, on Basin Plan

The National Irrigators Council (NIC) says that while it understands the hardship driving the anger of irrigators protesting in Canberra this week, its members feel that the problems would be made worse by ditching, rather than fixing, the Basin Plan. NIC represents...

Irrigators welcome release of additional water for agriculture

The National Irrigators’ Council (NIC) today welcomed the Federal Government’s step up in drought support measures with the once-off provision of 100 gigalitres (GL) of water in the southern connected Murray-Darling Basin.NIC Chairman, Gavin McMahon said “The...

2017-18 stats show irrigation doing its job, securing food and fibre

Irrigation infrastructure is designed to help Australia keep growing food and fibre in a variable climate and, Australian Bureau of Statistics (gross value of irrigated production) figures for 2017-18 show, that is exactly the job it was doing . ABS figures for...