Positive focus on agriculture in low emissions tech statement

The National Irrigators’ Council (NIC), convenors of the Ag Energy Taskforce, says the Government’s first low emissions technologies statement is an important cog in the wheel of offering agriculture the opportunity to benefit from, and contribute to, achieving...

NIC welcomes agriculture focus on energy technology investment

National Irrigators’ Council (NIC) has welcomed the federal government’s $1.9 billion investment in new and emerging technologies focused on jobs, energy reliability and supporting industry capability to be part of Australia’s effort in reducing emissions.   NIC CEO...

Getting the Basin Plan on track, welcome

The National Irrigators’ Council (NIC) has welcomed the announcements on implementation of recommendations from the “Sefton” panel and other reports, saying they will help to get frustrated elements of the Basin Plan back on track. NIC CEO, Steve Whan, said “when...

ACCC water markets interim report, a catalyst for real improvement?

Transparency, more consistent information and streamlined administration. All worthy goals for Murray Darling Basin water markets, but goals that, over two decades, have proved difficult, says National Irrigators’ Council (NIC) CEO, Steve Whan. Steve Whan was...

Basin Ministers need to act on supply projects

Murray Darling Basin water ministers meet on Friday, and the National Irrigators Council (NIC) is saying they need to focus on getting critical ‘supply’ projects on track. NIC CEO Steve Whan said “irrigators have been expressing concern for some years about the...