Grattan report mirrors Ag’s concerns on electricity

“There are very few winners when an irrigator is forced by high electricity network charges to install a diesel generator and go off grid” said National Irrigators Council (NIC) CEO, Steve Whan today in welcoming the Grattan Institute’s report ‘Down to the Wire: A...

NIC Welcomes Regional Engagement Officers

National Irrigators’ Council (NIC) CEO, Steve Whan today welcomed the Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) decision to make the Regional Engagement Officer network a permanent feature. NIC has long advocated for the placement of regional engagement officers in...

Greens interested headlines not answers?

The failure of the Australian Greens to turn up for Senate Estimates Committee hearings into the Murray Darling Basin plan raises serious questions about the motivation for the party’s often incorrect and misleading media commentary. National Irrigators Council...